I Just Love Being a Frog

Soon, he ran into a mouse. “Hi, I’m a frog,” he said proudly.
“I’m a mouse,” said the mouse.
“What can you do?” said the frog. “I can hop and make this great sound: RrrrBbbbTttt!”
“Gee, I can’t do that,” said the mouse.
“Too bad,” said the frog proudly and hopped on. “I just love being a frog.”
Soon, he ran into a lion. “What the heck are you?” said the little frog, “You’re so big.”
“I’m a lion,” said the lion.
“What can you do?” asked the frog. “I can hop and jump and make this great sound: RrrrBbbbTttt!”
“Gee,” said the lion, “I can’t do any of those things.”

Soon, he ran into an eagle. “Whoa, what the heck are you?” said the little frog.
“I,” said the eagle, “am the great eagle.”
“I can hop and jump and make this great sound: RrrrBbbbTttt!” said the frog.
“Wow,” said the eagle. “I can’t do that, but I can fly.”
“What’s ‘fly’?” said the frog.
“I’ll show you,” said the eagle.
He took the little frog and flew up into the sky. “Whoo!” said the frog. “Doesn’t this scare you?”
“Nope,” said the eagle.
“Hey, I can see my grandmother’s pond from up here,” said the frog. “Put me down.”
The eagle gently put the frog on the ground. The frog said, “That was so fun, but I just love being a frog.”
And the little frog hopped into the big pond to see his grandmother. He told her all about his adventures and they both laughed and said,
“We just love being frogs!”